mandag den 29. august 2011


The mayor who said WE ARE ALL MUSLIMS and lights up the Empire State Building in Islamic green for Ramadan, still won’t change his mind about including FDNY and NYPD first responders at the 10th Anniversary Ceremony for 9/11.

Ground Zero Imam Rauf's Bold-Faced Lies to Advance the Sharia

Ground Zero Imam Rauf's Bold-Faced Lies to Advance the Sharia

Imam Rauf's urging to incorporate Sharia law into the legal systems of Europe and the U.S.
An essential element of this interweaving of cultures, he says, will have to be the incorporation of Sharia law into the legal systems of Europe and the US. In this, he is in agreement with the Archbishop of Canterbury who said that the adoption of some aspects of Sharia law “seems to be unavoidable”.

Rauf points out that “the only truly clashing area is the penal code, and no Muslim has the intention of introducing that to America. The penal code is the area that people in the Western world are worried about – but these are things that aren’t even observed today in most of the Muslim world.

In his own book from 2000, "Islam: A Sacred Law," he wrote this on p. 58: "And since a Shari'ah is understood as a law with God at its center, it is not possible in principle to limit the Shari'ah to some aspects of human life and leave out others." (hat tip Kamala)

Just another glaring example of what a liar he is. He traffics in deceit all over the world to advance Islam. And US universities and European dilettantes pay him $15,000 a pop to betray and hoodwink them. Imagine, he is in Scotland to receive a "peace" award, while advancing the most brutal and oppressive system of governance on the planet.

Citizen patrols mooted to stop car arsons - The Local

Citizen patrols mooted to stop car arsons - The Local

More than 300 vehicles have now been set alight since the beginning of the year, including five overnight Sunday.

Police have struggled to deal with the crisis, but the city actually assigns more people to give out traffic tickets than track down the car arsonists, according to the daily newspaper Die Welt

torsdag den 18. august 2011

Three Things About Islam

Dansk Råddenskab !

De unge, der tilhører inderkredsen, af det hårde venstreorienterede miljø i København, har hidtil været sigtet efter straffelovens alvorlige paragraf om brandstiftelse, men terrorloven kan tages i brug, hvis brandstiftelsen bruges til at ramme samfundsanliggender, som f.eks. politiet eller - i dette tilfælde - et pengeinstitut.
Hvor mange yderligere tilfælde af brandstiftelse eller forsøg herpå, som politiet i dag vil rejse sigtelse for, vil politiet formentlig først i eftermiddag efter retsmødet løfte sløret for. Tidligere er nævnt et forsøg på at brænde PET's hovedkvarter i Søborg ned. Ifølge's oplysninger har Københavns Politi i tæt samarbejde med PET efterforsket op mod 11 brande, der er påsat i Storkøbenhavn de seneste år.
De første anholdelser fandt sted i april i år, da flere venstreradikale blev taget på fersk gerning, da de forsøgte at sætte ild på Politiskolen i Brøndby. Dengang blev fire personer i alderen 20 til 23 år, og siden har politiet ransaget bl.a. på Christiania i jagten på beviser.
Med anholdelserne og sigtelserne signalerer politiet, at man tager den ekstremistiske kriminalitet alvorlig.

mandag den 15. august 2011

Deaths of SEAL Team 6 Exposed!

This is all very mysterious. First we have the top secret killing of Osama because the US used top secert wepaonry and advanced strategies that can't be shared publicly because of the danger to future operations, next a helicopter crashes and is burnt to cinders with no caualties (probably some of that top secret stuff saving them), Osama is thrown into the sea because some guy from Saudi Arabia says that is the thing to do, and the same SEALs are now killed by a lucky shot. That about right?

mandag den 8. august 2011

Stängd dörr för SD samt ÖKAD MASS-massinvandring [Del 2]

Svenske politikeres forrædderi mod eget folk - fortsætter !

Freedom, equality and THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD (full Norwegian documentary)

Hanna Wigh-debatt i falköpings kommunfullmäktige..flv

Hannah Wigh griller den inkompetente kommunfullmäktige

Danskerne holdes for nar | Vederfølner

Danskerne holdes for nar | Vederfølner

Vi er beriget med familien Levakovic, Fisfis fra Odense, de "unge" fra Blågårdsplads, Vollsmose, Gellerupparken, Mjølnerparken og mange flere. Fællesnævneren for alle disse mennesker er, at de allesammen er storkriminelle grupper og enkeltperson, som koster den danske stat og dermed danskerne et hav af penge.

Hvis vi starter med Levakovic-familien, så er denne sigøjner-familie blevet "kåret" til Danmarks i særklasse mest kriminelle familie, hvilket nok er gået de færrestes næse forbi. Hele 74 millioner kroner har denne familie kostet det danske samfund i sociale ydelser og fængsels- og institutionsophold. Oven i det er der selvfølgelig også udgifter til retssager, politiefterforskning af familiens særdeles omfattende kriminalitet, samt tydeligvis mislykkede socialpædagogiske tiltag og sagsbehandlere.

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