mandag den 30. maj 2011
søndag den 29. maj 2011
Muslim Demographics - Europe
White People -Make-More-Babies !
Wake up - Europe !
We still have time.!
lørdag den 28. maj 2011
Norwegian MP Has Had Enough of Labour´s Mad Demographic Experiments
fredag den 27. maj 2011
Hat eller kjærlighet? -, Human Rights Service
Hege Storhaug, HRS
Støre og co vender ryggen til vår tids største verdimessige utfordring, islam negative innflytelse verdimessig. Flosklene sitter løst når integrering skal til debatt. Det er så man nesten kan bli religiøs. Støre får dog hjelp av VG til å stemple Tybring-Gjedde. VG drar inn gen-debatt, slik islamister gjør. Tybring-Gjedde vet selvsagt godt at også nordmenn konverterer til islam. Han nevner ikke rase. Han er lidenskapelig opptatt av frihetsverdiene. Døm selv. Her er innlegget fra landsmøtet.
Arbeiderpartiet har gjort Oslo til en etnisk delt by. I Groruddalen flytter den opprinnelige befolkningen ut, og ikke-vestlige innvandrere inn. Nordmenn føler seg fremmedgjort i sine egne nabolag og barna føler seg utilpass i barnehage, skole og fritidsaktiviteter.
Ingen politikere bør blande seg bort i hvor folk velger å bo, men hvorfor folk i tusentall velger å flytte, er ikke noe vi politikere kan ignorere.
I Groruddalen blir blonde jenter mobbet og farger håret sitt mørkt, barn blir truet med juling fordi de har salamipølse på brødskiven i matpakken, gutter med innvandrerbakgrunn truer norske gutter med juling dersom de ikke får mer spilletid på fotballaget, godteposer til barna ved markeringer i barnehagen blir gjennomgått for gelatin – slike poser blir merket med bilde av en gris til skrekk og advarsel. Om kveldene og i helgene stikkes biler i brann og ruter knuses i skolebygninger.
Dette er ikke noe den monokulturelle stortingsrepresentanten Tybring-Gjedde finner på. Dette er en del av hverdagen i flerkulturelle Groruddalen i Oslo.
En av de som har bestemt seg for å flytte, er Patrick Åserud. Patrick jobber i en barnehage på Grorud, det gjør kona hans også. To ressurspersoner. De orker ikke mer av Arbeiderpartiets demografiske eksperiment. Eller som Patrick fortalte meg: ”det foregår en etnisk og kulturell selvutsletting, og det verste er at vi lar det skje”.
Den britiske historikeren Toynbee har sagt at ” En sivilisasjon dør ikke fordi den blir drept, men fordi den begår selvmord”. Og det er nettopp det som er i ferd med å skje.
Den moderne vestlige sivilisasjonen basert på vitenskap, sekularisme, demokrati, likeverd, likestilling, pluralisme og frihetsverdier gir gradvis etter for krefter som representerer det motsatte. Endringene heies frem av kulturrelativister fra den politiske eliten, akademia og journalister som igjen er rekruttert fra et ensrettet radikalt miljø.
FrP er blitt beskyldt for å være ytterliggående.
Et kompromissløst forsvar av våre frihetsverdier er ikke ytterliggående, kjære landsmøte!
Det som er ytterliggående er stadig å gi etter for særkrav som undergraver vår egen kultur og de verdiene som vårt land er tuftet på.
Og det er både radikalt og ytterliggående å føre en innvandringspolitikk som i løpet av noen 10-år gjør urbefolkningen til en minoritet i egen hovedstad.
I et av George Orwells mange sitater heter det;
”Fortiden ble utslettet, utslettingen ble glemt, løgnen ble sannhet.
I en tid med universelt bedrageri er det å snakke sant en revolusjonær handling”
Kjære landsmøte; jeg vil fortsette å være revolusjonær!
Vi må som nasjon bli flinkere til å anerkjenne vår fortid, vår kultur og vi må tørre å være stolte av landet vårt. Vi må si tydelig og klart at vestlig sivilisasjon har kvaliteter som langt overgår de som finnes i den ikke-vestlige verden. Det er jo nettopp derfor flyttestrømmen går fra sør til nord!
Mens nær sagt alle våre avdøde og anerkjente forfattere, diktere, malere og komponister – brukte sitt talent for å fremheve Norge, bruker i dag en offentlig finansiert kulturelite aller helst kreftene sine på å utslette det norske.
Kjære Landsmøte: Skal vi klare å løse de utfordringene som kommer i kjølvannet av dagens innvandring, så må de største partiene være enige om de faktiske forholdene og ta et felles ansvar. Det er våre barns fremtid som står på spill.
Jeg vil derfor komme med en invitasjon til Arbeiderpartiet og Høyre. Er dere enige om at følgende 4 forutsetninger skal legges til grunn for de løsninger vi i fellesskap må finne?
1. Dagens innvandringspolitikk er ikke bærekraftig, verken verdimessig eller økonomisk
2. Islam utstår ikke frihetsverdier, og islams makt øker dag for dag. Derfor må innvandringen fra muslimske land reduseres kraftig.
3. Nye innvandrere skal ha begrenset tilgang til offentlige ytelser. Den som bidrar skal fullt belønnes.
4. Ansvar for integrering ligger først og fremst hos innvandrerne selv.
Dersom svaret er ja. Har jeg en ny utfordring til Ap og Høyre. Er dere enig i at integreringstiltak skal baseres på følgende 5 byggeklosser?
1. Ubetinget kjærlighet til Norge og vår kristne kulturarv
2. Lidenskap for det umistelige - Demokratiet
3. Et helhjertet forsvar for vårt rause og trygge velferdssamfunn
4. En kompromissløs avvisning av sharia
5. Assimilering av frihetsverdiene; likeverd, likestilling, ytringsfrihet, pluralisme og personlig frihet
Dette får altså Støre til å mer enn antyde hat. I kveldsnytt i går gikk Støre et steg lengre og koblet Tybring-Gjedde indirekte til ideologier vi ikke liker, som vel er nazisme.
Partipolitikken i integreringsdebatten stenger tydeligvis for klarsyn – i alle fall i Ap.
torsdag den 26. maj 2011
Katrine Winkel Holm
lørdag den 21. maj 2011
”Hadefuld tale” eller fri tale?
Den første sag var en direkte udløber af Muhammedkrisen: I Canada genoptrykte avisen The Western Standard Muhammed-tegningerne i 2006. Det fik to imamer til at klage til Canadas menneskeretskommissær, der håndhæver landets hate speech-lov, der forbyder »hadefuld propaganda.«
PAS PÅÅÅ !.....han har kniv....
Hakkarainen Censured after Racial Comments

onsdag den 25. maj 2011
Et oppgjør med fransk innvandringspolitikk
Et forhold som har bidratt til å øke vanskene, er at myndighetene ikke har fart med åpen tale, men har prøvd å føre folk bak lyset, sies det i rapporten:
”Av forskjellige grunner, og spesielt for ikke å fremkalle reaksjoner hos en befolkning som mistenkes for å være fremmedfiendtlig, har myndighetene og statistikkbyråene forsøkt å skjule eller bagatellisere flommen av innvandrere (”les flux migratoires”). Denne holdningen har ført til motstridende reaksjoner, noen som fordømmer festningen Europa, andre som fornekter virkeligheten når det gjelder tilstrømmingen og bare er opptatt av mangfoldet. … Myndighetene må handle med vidåpne øyne. Man må ta utgangspunkt i tallene og realitetene, man må også kunne nevne [tingene] ved deres rette navn og analysere situasjonene. Ut fra et legitimt ønske om ikke å stigmatisere befolkningsgrupper eller områder har politikerne altfor ofte tatt i bruk forskjønnende omskrivninger og vide samlebegreper som absolutt ikke gjør det mulig å finne brukbare løsninger bygd på en objektiv og virkelighetsnær analyse. Denne mangelen på klar informasjon er egnet til å fremme allslags fantasifostre rundt et samfunnsspørsmål som er så ømtålig.”Krav om tilgjengelig statistikk
HALDE har gjennomgått all tilgjengelig statistikk og har funnet at det har foregått en ”utarming” når det gjelder statistiske opplysninger om innvandring, spesielt siden 2005. De anbefaler derfor at alle tilgjengelige opplysninger blir offentliggjort når det gjelder utlendinger og innvandrere, oppdelt etter nasjonalitet eller i det minste geografisk opphav og at myndighetene igjen skal offentliggjøre detaljerte data, slik tilfellet var i tidligere undersøkelser.
Hver femte innbygger er innvandrer
Under sitt arbeid har HALDE kommet til at det i Frankrike er 11,5 millioner innvandrere, inkludert barn som har minst én forelder som er innvandrer, i alt 19 % av folkningen. Nærmere 70 % av alle innvandrerbarn mellom 18 og 25 år kommer fra det afrikanske kontinentet. I tillegg oppholder et sted mellom 200 000 og 400 000 illegale innvandrere seg i republikken, som altså ikke fanges opp av statistikken. Derfor bør det innføres strekkoder på alle turistvisa, slik at myndighetene skal ha kontroll med at alle med slike visa faktisk reiser ut igjen og ikke oppholder seg ulovlig i Frankrike. Dessuten bør franskmenn som inviterer utenlandske familiemedlemmer godtgjøre at de fyller ”samme krav til ressurser og bolig som gjelder for familiegjenforening” (oftest henteekteskap), sier rapporten.
læs mer......
Hög invandring och mångkulturella ideal hotar....
Hög invandring och mångkulturella ideal hotar välfärdsstaten av Gunnar Sandelin
Gunnar Sandelin om Sverigedemokraterna och mediernaHög invandring och mångkulturella ideal hotar välfärdsstaten
Invandringens sociala och ekonomiska verklighet finns långt bort från den politiska och mediala elit som lever i solida bostadsområden, där högavlönade umgås med likasinnade. För dem är det av större betydelse att värna sina karriärer och där ingår att demonstrera att de är goda och progressiva människor. Det är viktigare än att allsidigt rapportera om det ansvarslösa asylmottagandets kostnader och konsekvenser, skriver GUNNAR SANDELIN, socionom.Om författaren
GUNNAR SANDELIN är socionom & frilansjournalist.tirsdag den 24. maj 2011
Muslims throwing Coptic Christians properties from their Houses-Egyptian...
Det är katastrof överallt på BRÅ
En färsk dansk rapport om invandrares överrepresentation i kriminalitet
Den danska Rockwool Fondens Forskningsenhed har nyligen släppt en rapport om invandrares brottsbenägenhet i jämförelse med etniskt danska medborgare. Föga förvånande kommer man fram till att invandrare är överrepresenterade när det gäller alla typer av brott, men särskilt när det gäller våldsbrott.
Rapporten är omfattande, detaljerad och skyr inte från att peka ut vilka invandrargrupper som är mest brottsbenägna. Det vill säga, rapporten är allt som BRÅ:s rapporter inte är.
I en artikel från 2002 som publicerades i Aftonbladet med titeln ”Det är katastrof överallt på BRÅ” fick vi ta del av hur det politiska spelet bakom BRÅ:s ofta disparata rapporter egentligen går till. Professor Sten Levander skrädde inte orden:
Det är katastrof överallt på BRÅ. Rapporterna som de gör är filtrerade, det utövas censur. BRÅ:s uppdrag är att serva regeringen med forskning och kunskap. Det gör de inte. BRÅ tillhandahåller istället önskad information på beställning av justitieministern och departementet.läs mer....
Muslim gang launched horrific attack on religious studies teacher they did not want teaching girls
Last updated at 8:43 AM on 24th May 2011
A gang of four Muslim men launched a horrific attack on an RE teacher because they did not approve of him teaching religious studies to Muslim girls, a court heard yesterday.
Gary Smith, 28, was left with facial scarring, both long and short-term memory loss, and now has no sense of smell.
He became depressed after his face was slashed and he suffered a brain haemorrhage, fractured skull and broken jaw following the attack.

The gang was recorded planning the attack by detectives who had bugged defendant Akmol Hussain’s car over an unrelated matter.
They were taped saying they wanted to hit or kill the teacher just because he was the head of religious studies at the Central Foundation School for Girls in Bow, East London.
In one recording Hussain said: ‘He’s mocking Islam and he’s putting doubts in people’s minds . . . How can somebody take a job to teach Islam when they’re not even a Muslim themselves?’
Armed with an iron rod and brick, they punched, kicked and attacked Mr Smith, leaving him unconscious covered in blood on the pavement in Burdett Road, Tower Hamlets, East London.
Mr Smith was taken to hospital after he was found by two passers-by, and only regained consciousness two days later.
Alam said he hit Mr Smith over the head with a metal bar saying: 'I turned and hit him on his face with the rod and he went flying and fell on his stomach.'
Sarah Whitehouse, prosecuting at Snaresbrook Crown Court, said: 'He was subjected to a violent attack while he was on his way to work.

'It was also a cowardly attack, carried out by a group of at least four men, using weapons, on the single victim who would have had limited opportunity to defend himself.'
The teacher had been at the school for eight years teaching faiths including Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Sikhism, Buddhism and Hinduism.
'The defendants held strong religious beliefs and they chose him because they did not approve of his teaching.'
Hussain's car had been bugged on an 'unrelated matter' and it was during that surveillance operation that some of the gang members were recorded discussing the attack.
He spoke about a pupil at the school, calling her teacher a dog - an offensive name in Islam. He is then heard saying 'this is the dog we want to' and then a word is said in Sylheti - a language from Bangladesh - that means to hit, strike or kill.
Two other attempts, on on July 8 and one on July 9 last year failed when Mr Smith did not take his usual route to work.
Akmol Hussain, 26, of Wapping, Azad Hussein, 27, of Bethnal Green, Sheikh Rashid, 27, of Shadwell and Simon Alam, 19, of Whitechapel, all in East London, admitted GBH with intent.
A fifth defendant, Badruzzuha Uddin, 24, also of Shadwell, admitted assisting the thugs by hiding blood-stained clothing.
The hearing was adjourned until Thursday.
mandag den 23. maj 2011
The Western Sellout to Sharia Law
The Islamists' Enablers: The Western Sellout to Sharia Law
May 23, 2011 at 5:00 am
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They all promote the fantasy of Muslim victimhood, and force the West to overprotect Muslims, to ignore their atrocities, and to surrender to their escalating demands.
Around the world, Muslims enforce non Muslims compliance and deliberate air-brushing of the extent and magnitude of the Islamic threat -- from holy war, or Jihad, to the treatment of women under Islam. As approved by Sharia dictates, Muslims also try to forbid non-Muslims from speaking critically about Islam.
How do they accomplish this? They name anyone who engages in an honest examination of Islamic texts as a bigot, or full of hate, or call him an "Islamophobe." Dissent brings trials for non-specific "hate-speech" crimes, as well as threats of riots, violence and boycotts. In many worst-case scenarios, Muslims kill non Muslims, as well as those brave Muslims who dare to defy mind-control and suppression.
Only a few days ago the courageous Lars Hedegaard was found guilty of so called "hate speech" for having made allegedly racist statements. Yet, Mr. Hedegaard has been telling the truth. He has been bringing to the public's attention the appalling widespread Islamic 'honor' violence, in which family members are directed kill female relatives, reportedly to "restore family honor," for "crimes" such as as being raped -- often by a family member; the woman is always declared guilty, never the rapist -- as well as for alleged adultery, even if there is no proof, but just "a feeling" the judges may have as in the recent case of Hena in Bangladesh. who was sentenced to 300 lashes, and during the lashings died.
* * *
During my thirty-two years of living in Syria, I have witnessed first hand countless acts of vicious violence and cruelty. As a practicing physician in Syria, I have seen and treated countless abused women who were severely beaten and raped with the tacit approval of Sharia and family "honor."
Those victims I treated were of the same type of victims honor violence to which Mr. Hedegaard referred, and for which he is now being penalized by those who are supposed to be championing the same values we all hold dear in the West.
By suppressing the freedom to expose atrocities and cruelty against Muslim women, however, the West undermines their status as respected and valued citizens. Is this what government leaders seek to accomplish? Are Muslim women who suffer immensely under Sharia Law, including in the West, not worthy of government protection?
As a physician, I am alarmed at the coordinated effort by Islamists and their accomplices in the West to disrupt this basic right to freely express and expose what needs to be corrected.
The horrific attack on 9/11 has brought to light the recognition that no spot on Earth is immune to Islamism. My own personal stories -- my opthamology teacher in medical school in Syria, for example, was shot and killed in front of us because he was teaching female students -- apply to all of us.
As long as there are Muslims within our societies who promote Islamic Sharia Law and work tirelessly to apply it in our free societies, we need to be educated, vigilant and active in defending our liberties. It is one issue that all of us must be concerned about and strongly attentive to.
I am not here to incite anyone against Muslims. Please understand that Muslims are my people, and under any circumstances I wouldn't be able to peel off my own skin and be anything else but a woman from a Muslim country and the Islamic culture. But I am here to unearth the true face of Islam as a hateful and intolerant ideology, including its treatment of women.
Osama Bin Laden is now dead and gone. But the harsh and intolerable Sharia Law he so faithfully practiced is alive and thriving. Bin Laden's life and horrific actions are clear proof that Islamists are victims of an intolerable dogma that lures them away from their inherent common sense, and turns them into human beasts.
At a very early age, they are brainwashed to believe that Islam is bound to control the entire world, and that their mission on earth is to fight for the sake of this goal. For this, the end justifies the means -- therefore humiliating, torturing or killing others is a divine mission.
Lara Logan, the CBS journalist who covered the recent Egyptian revolution broke the wall of silence on a program called "60 minutes," by sharing the sexual violence that was inflicted on her as a female and a foreign journalist in the field. In her own words, she stated that the Egyptian mob who assaulted her "really enjoyed my pain and suffering. It incited them to more violence."
For many Westerners this is a vivid view into the shocking treatment and continuous harassment of native women, as well as foreign women, in Egypt.
This practice persists due to Muslim inculcation of hostility to, and derision of, women. To add salt to wound, Muslims blame only the victim -- for supposedly falling short of Islamic restrictions on dress and behavior and thereby "enticing" the men.
Unfortunately, in her interview, Logan submitted to the persisting political correctness, and was careful not to use the words "Muslim" or "Islam" with connection to the terrible sexual ordeal against her.
Let me share with you only few personal stories. These are tales which only affirm Lara Logan's deplorable episode, and prove the pervasiveness of the abuse of women in the Muslim world.
My own niece was forced to marry her cousin when she was eleven and he was over forty. Her marriage was valid under Islamic Sharia because the prophet Muhammad married his second wife, Aisha when she was 6 years old and he was over fifty. My niece for many years was terribly abused and did not have the right to ask for a divorce.
She would escape from her husband's house to her father's, begging him; "Please let me stay here. I promise to be your maid to the last day of my life. He is so abusive; I can't take this torture any more." Her father would reply, "It's shame for a woman to leave her husband's home without his permission. Go back. I promise I will talk to him"
At the age of 28, my niece committed suicide by setting herself on fire; she left behind four children.
While working as a physician in Syria, I witnessed many crimes committed in my society in the name of Islam. Once, when I worked in a small village, a woman in her late thirties came to my office complaining of nausea, vomiting and back pain. An examination revealed that she was three months pregnant. As soon as I told her the news, she collapsed on the chair and began to scream, smacking her face, "I beg you doctor, I beg you to rescue me from the mess I'm in. My son will kill me. I don't care about my life. I deserve to die, but I don't want my son to dirty his hands with my blood."
"What is wrong, Fatima?" I asked.
"My husband died five years ago and left me with four children. His brother rapes me every day in exchange for feeding my children. If he knew I was pregnant he would provoke my son, who is 15, into killing me rather than be exposed to public disgrace."
I sent her to see a gynecologist. When she came back to see me about two weeks later, she looked gaunt, haggard and ill. "I came to thank you." she said. "But they performed the operation to remove the fetus without an anesthetic. I didn't have enough money to pay for the drugs to sedate me, so the doctor had to operate without them. The pain was unbearable. I nearly died"
As for my own story, my husband left for America a year ahead of me. When I submitted a request for passports for my children, the officer in charge refused to grant me one on the grounds that under the Islamic Sharia law I was not considered mentally fit to be the legal guardian of my children. He therefore asked me to bring a male from my husband's family who would allow us to get my children's passports.
No member of my husband's family lived in our town except one of his cousins. He was an alcoholic, and because of his ill nature, my husband had never wanted to introduce him to me. To make a long story short, I went to his house and bribed him with fifty Syrian pounds which is equal to one dollar. As I left the immigration building, I couldn't help thinking of the absurdity that we, women of the Muslim world are faced with: as a medical doctor, I wasn't fit to be the legal guardian of my children, but a drunken man could control my entire destiny.
It is obvious that the teaching of my faith did not coincide with my basic rights, and for sure did not respect me as a professional woman. Under Islamic Sharia Law, for example, male Muslims are granted full control over their female relatives. A father can marry his daughter off at any age to any man of his choice without her consent.
Tragically, these accounts that I share with you, are not isolated stories by any means. They signify tragic stories of millions of other Muslim women all over the world, including here in Europe and in North America. On a daily bases, there are countless domestic abuses of Muslim women: rapes and honor killings which are frequently ignored by the so called "progressives," who claim to be such big supporters of human rights..
Many in the establishment legally prosecute those brave people who dare to speak up and expose the dismal reality of violence against Muslim women, and the harsh reality of Sharia Law in general. Many people forbid our society from labeling the Islamic discrimination and maltreatment of women. Obviously, as we are presently witnessing, especially in Europe, the consequences for those who dare, are grave.
Accordingly, let me challenge those who are on the wrong side of history; how can a Muslim woman raise a fair-minded child when she is oppressed herself? Certainly, a male child who grows up watching his mother being treated with no respected, marginalized and abused, will almost inevitably have a distorted view that such behavior against women id permissible and normal; and be capable of the type of cruelty that was inflicted by the mob against Lara Logan. Is that not a dilemma which affects the West's relationship with the Muslim world?
Sadly, Muslims and their enablers will keep defying those of us who dissent. We have a choice to make. We can continue to give in, or we can win people over by making it clear that our freedoms and our culture and our heritage will be protected -- no matter what it takes.
In his show "Real Time" Bill Maher, an American comedian, stated last month: "Islam is the only religion that 'kills you when you disagree with it. They claim: 'Look, we are a religion of peace…and if you disagree we shall cut off your head.'" Maher predicts that "there are very few people who will call them on it."
We are some of the very few who will call them on it. We are here with clarity and conviction to identify, to expose and, we hope, to marginalize the enemies of the free world. We are here to deter the destruction of our values by those who aspire to enslave us under the harsh and intolerable shackles of Sharia Law.
When a woman living under Islamic Sharia Law immigrates to a free Western country, it can become a complete transformative path, as happened to me. Now that I am free, I do not have to allow my rights to be abused by any religious or political authority. In the United States I am a person -- equal to all others.
But how can we expect all other Muslim women in all parts of the free world to become emancipated when there are judicial institutions that help suppress their urge for freedom by punishing those who try to protect them, as happens to individuals like Lars Hedegaard, Geert Wilders, Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, Kurt Westergaard, Jesper Langballe, Ezra Levant, Rachel Ehrenfeld, Joe Kaufman and Mark Steyn among others? Too often, the West seems indifferent to its denigration by Islam. Times are difficult nowadays.
I, for one, do not take my rights for granted, and therefore I will continue to fight to protect these rights, not only for me but for all other Muslim women.
As citizens of the free world, we must have the moral aptitude to fight and protect our liberty by exposing the totalitarian abuse of Islam against women.
The enemy has both unwitting and malevolent allies. We are obliged to call on those who surrender to Islam's oppressive doctrine, those who weaken all of us and unintentionally --- or some deliberately -- cause our decline.
We must realize that we are in a war. We must continue our unwavering resolve to serve as a buffer against the forces of evil. We cannot appease. We cannot compromise. We must recognize the enemies, and deter them at every pass.
We will not stifle our language. We will use the appropriate vocabulary to call things by their rightful name. We will continue to press for moral clarity, for open intellectual discourse with the precise definitions of our goals against their goals.
From now on, let us invoke the new terminology, "Truthphobes," against those who call us "Islamophobes. "This is because their irrational fear of the truth is a detrimental factor for our survival as free people.
The bitter reality of Islam's Sharia doctrine should not be ignored. Real victory can take place only in the spirit of genuine inquiry, transparency, and the fearless pursuit of truth. A culture that does not respect half of its population will never thrive and prosper.
Consequently, any attempt to make criticism of Islam forbidden and punishable by law is intolerable and will be strongly resisted by all people who love freedom.
When I was living in Syria, I cried often because I suffered. Now that I am free, I still cry, but for all other Muslim women over the world. I dream of a future when all Muslim women can savor a taste of my freedom. This is a dream that should be granted for all humanity and our job is to be unrelenting in pursuing that objective.
I challenge anyone responsible for the trial against Lars Hedegaard to reconsider the horrendous consequences of such preposterous allegations against him. Let us not revert to the Europe of the Middle Ages.
Let freedom of speech prevail.
Related Topics: Wafa Sultan
søndag den 22. maj 2011
Göteborgsdemonstrationer !
Idag den 21:e maj demonstrerade Nationaldemokraterna tillsammans med Swedish defense league mot moskébyggandet vid Ramberget i Göteborg. Motdemonstranterna bestod utav Vänsterpartiet och Rättvisepartiet socialisterna uppdelade i två demonstrationståg.
lørdag den 21. maj 2011
Den 21. maj 2011 vil hele kloden rammes af et jordskælv så kraftigt, at livet på jord vil få en ende for alle. Jordskælvene i Japan, de deraf følgende tsunamier og de blodige oprør i blandt andet Mellemøsten har været Guds klare varsler om den snarlige undergang. Det er missionærernes tolkning.
Missionærerne er nu i en gruppe på 14 på vej rundt i hele verden for at advare om undergangen og prædike Guds budskab.
Missionærerne har ofret alt for denne sidste rejse. De har solgt deres ejendele, brugt hele opsparingen og efterladt job, familie og venner tilbage i USA. Det eneste, der gælder, er at tro til det sidste, og det kræver hverken job eller penge. den 19. maj 2011
Fortsatta framgångar för Sverigedemokraterna
Syltryg |
Vikingerne vågner |
onsdag den 18. maj 2011
Nyhedsbrev fra Den Danske Forening
Muslims aren’t taking “NO” for an answer !
AUSTRALIA: Apparently, Muslims aren’t taking “NO” for an answer re: shari’a law
Posted: May 18, 2011 | Author: barenakedislam | Filed under: Islamization of the West | 2 Comments »
Even though it was just reported that the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils request to permit shari’a law was rejected by the Federal Government, a sheik and Muslim leaders yesterday said shari’a was already being used secretly to end hundreds of marriages a year. Shari’a is also being used by imams in cases of business disputes and neighborhood fights.

“If the Government and politicians cannot recognise this as essential, it should no longer accuse the Australian Muslim community of intentionally living in enclaves,” the submission said.
Sheik Moussaab Legha, from the Islamic Welfare Centre in Lakemba, in

Sheik Legha said people who are divorced under sharia by imams at the Greenacre mosque receive a certificate. “It is after the Family Court. The religious way needs to be finalised,” he said. ”Most of the time it is like a normal courtroom. You have the imams on one table, you have the

University of Technology Sydney academic Jamila Hussain said religious divorces were carried out at two mosques because for some women a Family Court divorce is not enough.
Muslim community advocate Keysar Trad has witnessed a sharia divorce in Sydney but he said sharia law was also being used to settle workplace and neighbourhood disputes.
“Really, anything that does not have a criminal element,” Mr Trad said of the use of sharia law by Sydney imams. (Under shari’a, honor killings, stonings, floggings, limb amputations for stealing aren’t considered criminal)
